A Little Good News

The last two months have been very hard for people all over the Globe. As I’m sure everyone is aware, COVID-19 has spread to virtually all countries on Earth. While some places have had fewer cases than others, it has affected everyone. The numbers have been staggering in countries like Italy, Spain, Germany, France and the UK. While North America didn’t see a lot of cases until a little later on, we’ve dealt with the virus here too. As I write this, the United States has had to deal with over 350,0001 cases and has been adding over 25,0001 new cases per day.

The good news is that we are seeing some countries get a handle on this pandemic. Countries like South Korea have contained COVID-19 very well and are showing less than 100 new cases per day now. With a population of about 52,000 Million2 (and almost 25 million in the Greater Seoul Area2 alone), these numbers look quite good. It shows that the virus can be contained if it’s taken seriously and people act fast. The other good news, is that we are possibly seeing case numbers in Italy, Spain and Germany plateau. I’m desperately hoping that the numbers continue to trend downward by the time you read this. This does come after weeks of devastating sickness and death but again, this shows that we can control the virus. Markets have rallied on this. We are finally starting to see some optimism out there.

We have been on lock-down here in our Home Office but are very busy with Phone Meetings and connecting with people over Zoom and Microsoft Teams. It’s been good to hear some voices and see some faces. Know that we are here for you if you’d like to talk during this difficult time.

On behalf of Natalie and myself, we wish you and your family the best.

Bryce A. Borden

1Worldometer – https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

2Population Statistics Found at World Population Review – https://www.worldpopulationreview.com/countries/united-states-population/


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