A Lot Going On in the World

There’s been so much to talk about over the last twelve months that it’s hard to keep up! While the Stock Market has risen nicely since February of 2016, it hasn’t moved in a very straight line and it sure has come with a few bumps along the way. About this time last year, we were gearing up for a vote in the UK on whether they would stay in the European Union. The polls did not get the outcome of that vote correct and Great Britain voted to exit from the Union. We have witnessed the Dutch elections this year (with a centrist winning and all intentions of staying in the EU) as well as the first round of the French election.

By the time you get this, we’ll have clarity on what direction that country will go in as their second round will be finished and a party will be nominated. If there have been any shake-ups across the Atlantic, you’ll probably have heard from me before you get this newsletter!

In North America, we’ve had uncertainty with trade. While it doesn’t sound like NAFTA will be ripped up, there may be some negotiations which could have negative impacts on Canada. If the USA does decide to push higher tariffs on Canadian materials, we may need to start looking to ship more goods outside the continent. Let’s just hope that this ends up being a little updating rather than anything that could harm relations between Canada and the USA.

With so much to talk about, we’ll welcome some conversations so give us a call if you’d like to discuss anything further!

Bryce A. Borden


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