Fingers Crossed About The Summer

After a very tough couple of months, things here in Alberta are starting to feel pretty good again. While the weather has been hit or miss, Natalie and I have got our girls outside every chance we get. They are having fun riding their bikes around the neighbourhood and seeing their cousins and some friends at parks. We’ve spent the last fifteen months trying to support our community and our local restaurants. Granted, this has meant ordering in a lot more than we had done in the past, but we think it’s been worth it! We’ve shopped at Canadian-owned grocery stores and done SPUD orders a few times a month so that we are buying locally grown produce. We have tried our best to make the best out of this awful period of time. We do miss actually getting out to restaurants and shops though, so we are very much looking forward to that again. If things keep trending the way they have been, we are confident that the summer will be a pretty good one.

We know how trying this last year and a half has been for so many. Whether it’s businesses being shut down or doctors and nurses being worked to the brink, 2020 and 2021 have been awful. We are hopeful that we are finally seeing an end to this pandemic and that we’ll be able to start seeing you all again soon! Natalie and I would like to thank all of you who are in healthcare. We’ve heard your stories and we can’t thank you enough for your hard work. We would also like to thank anyone else who has had to make major sacrifices during this very tough stretch. The pandemic has not affected everyone the same way and we know that many of you have been hit harder than others, whether it be physically, emotionally or financially.

Let’s all hope that we are finally seeing the end of this.

Bryce A. Borden


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