Happy New Year!

This time last year, I was giving everyone an update on the ugly finish to 2018. This year, I’m pleased to report that 2019 was a fantastic year on the market. The United States had their best year since 2013 and Canada’s Toronto Stock Exchange finished the year at a level of 17,063.40. It started 2019 at 14,426.60 after falling significantly in 2018. This represents appreciation of over 18%. As Interest Rates went on hold in Canada in 2019, the Bond Market gave investors some nice gains too. All of this represents a dramatic, positive change from the year before.

While 2019 will go down as a money-making year, it didn’t come without drama and volatility. As I write this, we are dealing with the fall-out of the US attack on Iran’s Top General. I expect that we’ll have another year full of news headlines. My sincere hope though, is that we won’t see the United States enter another war in the Middle East; They haven’t been able to get out of the first two and Iran would represent a much larger country and a much more sophisticated military power. It may be a good idea to hold more Bonds and Precious Metals within your Portfolios if you are worried about Global Conflicts this year.

We took some time off over Christmas and got lots of quality time in with our three girls. We stayed in Calgary but got a lot of work done around the house.

We hope that you all had a fantastic Holiday Season and wish you all the best in 2020!!

Bryce A. Borden


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