New Email Addresses and Recent Market Volatility

As I write this, we are dealing with a lot of Market Volatility across the Globe. We have seen many more cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) since my last email and more countries affected. While some global leaders are down-playing this (even suggesting it will subside with the warmer weather in the Spring), the World Health Organization is taking this very seriously. The virus has lead to many people getting sick and unfortunately, a number of deaths. This is causing panic and will impact the Global Economy. Viruses like this can lead to a slow down of growth for a number of reasons. It can lead people to stay home and not spend money. It can lead to people cancelling their travel plans. It can hurt businesses as trade can be impacted.

I truly hope that by the time you all get this newsletter, the World has got this more under control. I’m glad that I have been suggesting re-balancing in order to take profits over the last six months. Cash, Bonds and Precious Metals are certainly safer places to be when a situation like this is taking place.

On a much lighter note, Natalie and I have switched over to more official, Borden Financial Services email addresses. It’s business as usual for us but going forward, please contact us at the following:

Bryce A. Borden


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