
We had a wonderful Spring Break here in Calgary and had a lot of family time with the girls. We did a number of activities right here in Calgary including a fun day downtown. We met up with some friends and family and got in a few meals at local restaurants. On top of that, the weather was nice so we spent a lot of time outside. Vienna, Berlin & London had a great time!

By now, you'll be getting close to the CRA's deadline to file your Income Tax. If you have subscribed for Flow-Through Shares and don't have Income Tax Documents, please let me know. I can get them for you if need be.

I'll also remind everyone with an Investment Loan to watch out for your Annual Interest Payment Summary. You'll want this for your Tax Return and it can be extremely valuable. Just let me know if you have any questions about these.

Enjoy the sunshine and hope to see you soon!

Bryce A. Borden
