The End to a Very Tough Year

This year has really been like no other. While it started out quite well, at this point, I don’t think anyone could deny the impact COVID-19 has had on the world, at least to the Global Economy. Unemployment numbers were very low in Canada and the United States at the beginning of the year but since March, they have been at very uncomfortable levels1,2. Businesses across Canada have struggled especially Small Businesses. Even provinces that haven’t had a lot of cases have felt the effects of less tourism/commerce. This uncertainty and start/stop economy has been brutal and it’s led to high stress levels and anxiety. I think everyone just wants this year to be over. As I keep saying 2021 has just got to be better!!

On top of everything else that is going on out there, our family also had a very tough November. A very, very close Aunt of mine passed away on November 22nd. She had been sick since 2013 but had been battling back throughout the last seven years. She was strong and was a rock in our family. When Natalie and I found out that she had gone back into the hospital again and was now terminally ill, we headed back to Saskatoon to get some visits in. It was an extremely emotional trip, but we are so glad that we could see her a couple last times. We got to say our goodbyes and got to let her know how much she meant to us. I know that it will be a different Christmas for us this year as my Aunt was such an important part of our family.

We’ll be honest in saying that after a year like this, we are in dire need of some Holidays. We have been homeschooling our three girls, running our businesses and helping with family issues. On top of that, Natalie and I both have continued to add to our credentials. With every set of letters that we add to our names, there are more Continuing Education requirements we need to handle. We both like the learning, but there is a lot on our plates! We’ve decided to leave the office on Friday, December 18th this year and come back on January 6th, 2021. That should give us a good breather. We’re looking forward to a lot of quality time with Vienna, Berlin and London over the Christmas break. We’ll order in from some of our favorite local restaurants and try to support our community as much as possible. We urge everyone to support local businesses where you can this Christmas Season!

On behalf of Natalie and myself, Happy Holidays and let’s really ring in the New Year as we just can’t wait for 2021!!!

Bryce A. Borden

1Statistics Canada: –

2Statista: –


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