Touching Base from the Borden Team

April may not have brought many showers, more like snowstorms, but the May flowers are certainly well on their way! We hope that you and yours have been able to spend some time enjoying the wonderful warmth and sunshine after what felt like a long winter.

Bryce and Patrycja have been busy connecting with families over the last month with visits to the Crowsnest Pass, Edmonton and Saskatoon areas. January through April tend to be the busiest months for us, and it must be true since you’re hearing from me and not Bryce! By now everyone should have received all their tax documentation and completed their returns. It has been over 6 months now since we introduced our new advisor site and client portal. Hopefully by now everyone has been able to login to view their accounts. If you are having any trouble accessing this or run into issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

As the days get longer and Summer approaches, we are beginning to plan our Summer adventures. It looks like the Bordens will be mostly sticking close to home to watch our garden grow! We will likely take some small jaunts within the province but mostly we will be around. That means many opportunities to connect with Bryce for reviewing your accounts!

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have.

Natalie Borden


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