Update on Nominee Plans

We’ve made it through the wild weather of September here in Calgary and are now entering the last quarter of 2018. It’s been a very busy year with a lot to talk about! I’ve mentioned in a number of emails this year that Canadian Western Trust decided to exit the Intermediary Account Business. This left us with a situation where some plans would move over to Computershare and the majority would move into PSC Nominee Plans. At this point we appear to have all of the Nominee Accounts fully funded. Clients that hold Exempt Securities within CWT accounts will see moves over to Computershare in the coming weeks.

While this whole process took longer than we had expected, the assets have moved into the Nominee Plans and this gives us new opportunities going forward. The one company that has given us some grief during this process has been Walton. We’ve gone through a lot with Walton this year and although almost all of their Land Investments have moved into the Roll-up Corporation, some of these assets still aren’t showing on client statements. We’re still working on this and are hoping to get the issue resolved very soon. If you have a Walton Investment that you’d like details on, please let me know and I’ll provide you with an update.

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and talk to you soon!

Bryce A. Borden


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