Financial Library

A Hot Start to the Summer

We've found ourselves raving about the beautiful, hot weather that we've been getting here in Southern Alberta only to catch ourselves and remember how much damage this heat can do. While we have really enjoyed all of the sunshine here in the Calgary area, we know that clients in other parts of the province have really struggled. The forest fires in the area Northwest of Red Deer have been awful and we feel for anyone who has been impacted by them. We're hoping for rain and wishing the best for those in our province who had to leave their homes.

Are you a Retirement Savings Late Starter?

Harry and Sally both earned high incomes and liked to live the good life. They leased higher end European cars, took two-week exotic vacations almost every year, and lived in a house much larger than they truly needed. To accomplish this lifestyle, they put off retirement savings. Now in their forties, Harry and Sally are realizing they have some catching up to do. Six things to consider are:

Delay no more - Procrastination or bad breaks may have derailed a savings plan. Now is the time to make savings a priority.

Divorce and Your Finances

Canadian government statistics continually show that roughly half of all marriages end in divorce. If a couple is contemplating moving forward with a divorce, it is important to carefully consider how this event will affect their overall financial situation.

Understanding how a divorce changes financial and estate plans can help reduce legal costs and reduce the complexity of an already-stressful experience. Let us look at some of the key financial issues that should be considered in the event of a divorce.


Financial Independence Tips for Seniors

As people age, maintaining financial independence can become increasingly challenging. However, there are steps that senior can take to help ensure that they can continue to live independently and enjoy their golden years without financial worries.

Below, we will discuss some of the ways that seniors can maintain their financial independence for years into the future.
