Financial Library

Are You Ready to Retire?

According to a 2022 survey,1 only 35% of Canadians aged 50 and older feel they're financially ready to retire. Sixty-two percent report being unprepared or unsure if they have the resources. In a similar survey, Bromwich+Smith and Advisorsavvy2 report that 71% worry they will never be able to save enough to retire comfortably. Sixty-two percent are delaying retirement indefinitely.

Update on Global Banking Situation & Income Tax Deadlines

My last newsletter talked about the good start we were having to 2023 but was written just before we got the news of some US and European Banks failing. I don't want to say this situation is over, but as of this writing, we have seen a big rebound in share prices and much of the worry blew over. As of this newsletter, things seem to be contained. By early April, we had seen the Stock Market really rally. With Oil Prices rising quickly, the Toronto Stock Exchange made its way past 20,000 and maintained the level1. There has been good news on the Inflation front too.

Don't Give Up on Growth

If you are a prudent investor, then you have a financial retirement plan that will ensure you have sufficient funds for the lifestyle you envision after you stop working. What constitutes sufficient depends on your ambitions and your hobbies, and also on how long you live. People are living longer, and it's not unreasonable to think that you could live into your 90s.

Market Rebound Before Income Tax Time

It was hard to come up with a lot of positive news in 2022, at least with regards to the market. It was one of the few years when both Stocks and Bonds depreciated. This is a very rare phenomenon and one of only four years in about the last one hundred where this has happened. As I mentioned in my last newsletter, after 30 years of costs rising around 2.0% per year, we went to a scary 8.1%1 in 2022. A number of developed countries went into the high teens2. When Inflation rises, it's typically followed by Central Banks moving Interest Rates higher.
