A Hot June Without Enough Water

A Hot June Without Enough Water | Borden Financial Services

I won't have to tell anyone who lives in Calgary that we had to curb our water usage quite dramatically this June. A massive feeder pipe needed to be repaired which left Calgary, Airdrie, Chestermere and Strathmore in a real predicament. As I write this, we are almost back to normal and hopefully, we are all the way back by the time you read it! Natalie and I decided to leave for Saskatoon for the last week of June. We had planned to get there in July but with the water issues in the Calgary area, we decided we'd head East earlier in the summer. We got some great visits in with some clients out there. It was a short notice type of trip so we will try to get back in August.

While the Inflation Rate continues to stay under 3.0%, we did see it tick up a little recently. The last read came in at 2.9%, which was higher than the 2.7% we got before that1. I still believe the overall trend is lowering, we just may get these upticks here and there. Canada's economy is still growing albeit at a slow pace. It's much slower than the USA's economy which has remained strong2. Anyone who watched the recent US Presential Debate must wonder how their economy can be so strong with the two lead candidates that they have down there!! I guess this shows how countries can operate even without strong leadership?! There has been talk and even pressure for both candidates to step down before November's election3, 4. Here in Canada, we've seen the Liberal Party lose a key riding in a byelection. That's led to calls for our own Prime Minister to step down too5. What a time to be alive…

It's Stampede time here in Calgary and we'll be staying close to home for July. There is plenty to see and do here in the area and we'll get lots of time in with the girls over the Summer Holidays. Let us know if there is anything that you'd like to discuss and hope to connect with you soon!!

Bryce A. Borden

1Trading Economics: Canada Inflation Falls to 3-Year Low

2Visual Capitalist: Economic Growth Forecasts for G7 and BRICS Countries in 2024

3Associated Press: Rep. Lloyd Doggett becomes first Democrat in Congress to call for Biden's withdrawal from 2024 race

4The Philadelphia Inquirer: To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race

5The Conversation: Biden and Trudeau: Two leaders in trouble who are resisting calls to step aside
