
Lifestyle Choices Can Secure Your Retirement

January 2023

For many nearing retirement, lifestyle choices become more significant in determining their comfort level for the rest of their lives. They must decide whether it is better to make some of those choices now or have their circumstances force lifestyle changes later in retirement. That's the dilemma faced by many people who have come to enjoy their way of life, but now realize that sacrifices will have to be made in order to maintain a similar quality of life in retirement.


Healthcare and Retirement

We are all familiar with the following perennial adage: “health is wealth”. Regardless of any financial circumstances you may have, optimum health allows you to enjoy long trips overseas, partake in your grandchildren’s life, physical activities such as golf as well as looking forward to your retirement years. No one wants to have to worry about the expenses that come with health problems in retirement.

How to Get the Most from Your RRSP

Introduced in 1957, the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is an incentive program to entice the Canadian population to save for retirement. In order to get the most from this type of savings vehicle, it is essential to plan future investments and avoid panicking to meet deadlines or taking action without fully understanding the long-term effects.

Let’s take a look at some of the most practical investment strategies to get the most from a savings scheme like the RRSP:

Retirement: The Promised Land or Crushing Boredom?

For years, you have been anticipating that last day at work. When it finally arrives, will it live up to your expectations?

Retirement looks different in everyone’s imagination. For some, it means never wearing a tie again – for any reason. For others, it means traveling the world in designer clothes while attending fancy social events or elaborate musical performances. Some might envision it as a poolside chair with a cold glass of lemonade that never runs out.

While the lemonade may be in unlimited supply, your attention span is not. What happens if you get bored?

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