investment planning

Diversification is Key

As with many retirement savers, it took two major stock market events (Global Financial Crisis, Global Pandemic) to convince Adam and Sonya that trying to 'time the market' or pick specific sectors was a costly exercise in futility. But, with the value of their RRSPs nearly halved in the 2009 Financial Crisis, they also recognized that they could not afford to avoid equities if they were going to have any chance of meeting their retirement goals.

Record Stock Market Highs & Income Tax Deadlines

Since November of 2023, Global Stock Markets have been on a fantastic rally1. Obviously, this hasn't been a straight line up, but there have been a lot more good days than bad days. The US Stock Market has hit numerous new record highs this year2. A number of European Countries have hit new highs and even Japan, a country who had seen a peak on their Stock Market way back in 1989, has finally got back to new highs3. The Canadian Market had really lagged a number of global counterparts.

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024!!!

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024!!

As we've done for a number of years in a row now, we took some time out of the office while the girls were on their Winter Break. We had a nice time together and got some visits in with some friends and family. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! We now go into our busiest time of the year and won't get another break in until the end of March. We're going straight into RRSP Season which is always a busy couple of months for us. We'll also be busy with TFSA and RESP Contributions as there will be more room for those now that we are in the New Year.

Make 2024 Your Best Financial Year Yet

Make 2024 Your Best Financial Year Yet

Many of us reflect on our yearly financial goals as the calendar turns to a New Year. But bringing goals to fruition can't happen without a clear plan of action and determined effort. This is especially true as we continue to live with lingering effects of above-average inflation and the highest interest rates in over 20 years. To help maximize your investment success and end this year on a financially positive note, we have put together some key ideas:

All-Weather Investing

There is almost always chatter in the media about the next possible correction or recession. The most recent buzz is about a possible US recession where Canada would likely follow suit. The chatter also includes opinions about a "soft" versus a "hard" landing, etc. The primary challenge for individuals trying to build wealth is that this background noise (chatter) has nothing to do with…you!

September Cool Down

Our last newsletter talked about how the Canadian Economy had slowed down in the second quarter of the year. The good news from that was the possibility that the Bank of Canada would stop raising Interest Rates. Unfortunately, we have seen more of a mixed picture since then. After falling to a two year low of 2.8% this June, Inflation has come back up. Canada’s Annual Inflation Rate went up to 4% in August. It was 3.3% the month before that1. One of the major factors that is keeping the Cost of Living higher is Oil Prices.

Interest Rates and Your Financial Strategy

Working towards financial independence includes assumptions about how the world operates and how we navigate within that environment. These assumptions work best when the world remains the same allowing you to make reasonable future projections.

Challenges come when changes occur in the operating environment which may require reassessing wealth building strategies. The disruptions from early 2020 (Covid, supply-chains, etc.) seem to have ushered in some significant changes in our world.

TFSAs: Leveraging the Benefits

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) was introduced in 2009 to offer Canadians an incentive to save over their lifetimes. TFSAs provide tax-free growth, flexible investment options, and easy set-up and withdrawals, making this registered account a powerful tool for financial well-being. Below are some key features.

Below are some key features:


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